Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Zircon may be little-known and sometimes a misunderstood gemstone. It's the oldest mineral found on earth. Because of its similarities to diamonds, zircon used to be the first-ever natural diamond simulant. But the zircon gemstone has a charm of its own and is well-loved by many crystal hunters and gemstone enthusiasts. Let's explore this crystal a little further.

What is Zircon?


Zircon may be a natural, splendid, and underrated crystal that has been worn and loved since the past. It may sometimes be confused with synthetic cubic zirconia (the diamond imitation renowned as CZ). Zircon is accessible in several colors and one of the trendy December birthstones that looks extraordinary in jewelry if set well.

Zircon may be a natural gem that has been prized in the East and West regions for several centuries. Throughout time, it has been known as zircon, hyacinth, or 'jargun'. Its name was possibly derived from the Arabic work 'zarkun,' which means vermilion. It could also be named after an even older word - the Persian 'zargun'. This translates to "golden colored." Either term possibly describes the tints of different zircon gemstones.

Where Is Zircon Found?


Zircon is found everywhere on the planet; however, gem-quality crystals are rare. Sri Lanka and many countries in Southeast Asia are home to quality zircons. Sri Lanka produces the most zircon crystals in various colors, such as the rare cat's eyes color.

Types of Zircon


Here are a few Zircon types popular in the commercial and design markets:

  • Jacinth – Jacinth is the yellow, brown, orange, or red variation of zircon.
  • Matura Diamond – Colorless zircon is renowned as Matura diamond
  • Starlite – The blue variation of zircon is known as Starlite. The blue hue of Zircon is usually heat treated and rarely natural.
  • Jargon – The colorless, pale gray, or pale-yellow variations of zircon is known as Jargon.

The 4 Cs of Zircon


Color: Since zircons are available in all colors of the rainbow, jewelry makers and gem collectors have several choices. All zircon gemstones come in various colors caused by impurities that entered the crystal during the stone formation. The zircon crystal has a high sparkle, luster, dispersion, and refraction. In other words, it plays excellently with light, creating a superb and fiery effect. Zircon gems also exhibit rainbow flashes of color.

Zircon comes popularly in colors such as yellow, gray, green, red, and numerous alternative colors evoked by heating.

  • Colorless zircons are the purest kind and of the highest quality. They're hard to find, therefore sought-after.
  • Green is extremely in demand as well. This stone can be considered a collector's item, and it's extremely rare to come by.

Cut: Zircon contains a Mohs hardness of 6 to 7.5 on the scale. Owing to zircon's high dispersion and lightweight, cutting zircon into a faceted form typically maximizes its luster and makes them look like diamonds. Faceting is a different way to boost the shine of this gemstone. This gemstone can be cut into various shapes, including emeralds, ovals, rounds, pears, marquises, trilliants, and radiants.

Carat: Most zircon gemstones come in small sizes. Larger stones are rare to come by and are more valuable. Zircon happens to be one of the densest gemstones of all. This suggests that it'll be smaller in size to a different crystal of identical weight because it is way heavier. 

Clarity: Zircons are comparatively free from inclusions. However, several untreated zircon stones have a cloudy or smoky look. Most zircon stones that are faceted to be used in jewelry are free from eye-catching inclusions. Zircon stones with visible inclusions are less valuable.

Differences Between Zircon and Cubic Zirconia


Zircon is typically confused with cubic zirconia (CZ). The latter is an artificial diamond simulant that resembles a diamond, but it's completely different.

Zircon is a natural deep-mined crystal and was found over 4.4 billion years ago. The natural cubic zirconia was discovered comparatively recently (around the 1930s) and was then synthesized. All CZ found on the market is artificial, indicating that they are human-made, whereas cubic zircon is a natural gemstone. Moreover, zircon is made of zirconium silicate; on the contrary, cubic zircon is made of zirconium oxide.

Cubic zirconia contains a high hardness rating of 8 to 8.5 on the Mohs hardness table. This makes it strong enough for daily usage and ready to stand up to rough wear and tear. But zircon is a lot softer and ranks 6 to 7.5 on the same scale. It's a brittle stone and can get scraped or broken if exposed.

Treatment of Zircon


Most zircon stones on the market are usually untreated. However, heat treatments are used to enhance or modify the color of these gemstones. Zircon is sturdy enough for normal wear and makes for wonderful jewelry. As a ring, it's recommended to place it within a protective setting to prolong the stone's life. Zircon is best used in pendants or earrings, as these are the least exposed to rough handling.

How Do I Maintain My Zircon?


Zircons are brittle and can get scratched if rubbed against other gemstones. Dealers store each of these gems separately and don't mix them with other gems to avoid scratches. Use warm water and a soft cloth to keep your zircon clean. It's not recommended to use supersonic or steam cleaners.

Taking Care of Zircon


Zircon is extraordinarily sensitive to daylight and radiation. Avoid exposing your zircon jewelry to the sun, else the color of the stone may fade or modify.

Keep zircon far removed from chemicals like harsh detergents, bleach, and cosmetics. Remove zircon jewelry while applying makeup and while doing outdoor activities.

Zircon Stone Uses

  • Zircon of all colors is used in jewelry. But blue, golden-brown, and white squared gemstones are the colors most frequently used.
  • This gemstone is also used as an alternative to diamonds.
  • Zircon stones of the opposite colors (yellow, green, pink, and purple) are less typically seen in jewelry.
  • It's believed that zircon helps heal a variety of physical issues, like blisters, sores, and unhealthy veins.

Zircon Metaphysical Properties and Chakra

  • In medieval times, individuals believed that zircon would help the user fall asleep.
  • It was also believed to bring wealth, knowledge, and information to the wearer.
  • Today, many folks see this as a crystal that brings a healing mental and physical energy.
  • It's alleged to create confidence, boost compassion and enhance your
  • Zircon is seen as a grounding stone that stimulates your purpose and helps you achieve your goals.
  • It helps you stay intended and impressed while not losing your focus.

Zircon Birthstone


Zircon is the ancient birthstone for December-born babies.

Where can you buy Zircon?


You should purchase zircon stones solely from trustworthy sources. Ensure you approach a store that has wonderful reviews from previous consumers. It's best if the shop has an exchange policy, too. GemsforJewels supplies various zircons that suit contemporary jewelry designs and styles. We supply authentic zircon gemstones in various shapes and sizes. These are perfect, one-of-a-kind stones for your jewelry desires.

Browse through our selection to identify the one that best suits your needs!