Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Ruby zoisite is not a mainstream gemstone, but it is loved all over the world by jewelry-makers for its beautiful color combination that can help any piece of jewelry stand out. It is commonly used in every possible way in handcrafted jewelry and decoration articles.

This gorgeous gemstone is a unique, natural blend of ruby and zoisite crystals in a single specimen. It's also known as anyolite, which comes from the Masai word—anyoli—meaning 'green.' “Ruby-in-zoisite" and "Tanganyika artstone" are other names given to this gemstone.  The only major source of ruby zoisite remains in Tanzania to this day. Ruby-in-zoisite can differ greatly in color, pattern, and hardness, depending on its key components. It is one of the most vivid ornamental gems available today and is very inexpensive, even in larger sizes, because of the abundance of the gemstone.

So, what are the various factors that make this gemstone so special? Keep reading through this informative buying guide for all the necessary information about ruby zoisite.


What is ruby zoisite?


Let’s get a little scientific to understand this gemstone. Zoisite, also known as saualpite, is a calcium hydroxy sorosilicate mineral that’s formed during the metamorphism of sedimentary, ingenious, and metamorphic rocks. When observed in the right kind of environment, zoisite is present in the form of either prismatic crystals in the veins or in large formations of minerals. Zoisite can be sold in a variety of shades, based on their inclusiveness, such as brown, orange, yellow, blue, purple, green, pink, and even colorless. It has a glassy luster, but it may also be granular or sucrose occasionally. On the Mohs scale, ruby zoisite has a hardness equivalent to 6.5 to 7 Mohs.


Where is ruby zoisite found?


Ruby zoisite was first discovered at the Longido mining district in northeastern Tanzania by Tom Blevins. To this day, it remains the only source of ruby zoisite in the world.

History of Zoisites:


The zoisite name was used for the first time in 1805.  The name was given after Baron Sigmund Zois von Edelstein, an Austrian scientist with a remarkable mineral collection identified zoisite as a special variety of minerals.

Ruby zoisite belongs to the epidote family and is often mined with its massive crystalline orthorhombic structure. The first set of zoisite gemstones was extracted from the Germanic mines, rich in pragmatic and metamorphic deposits.

In the 1960s, blue zoisite varieties were discovered. It made Tanzania's gemstone market quite popular. The terms Tanzanite and Zoisite are used in the stone market interchangeably. It changes color from gray to brown when exposed to high temperatures. During heat treatment, both inclusions and cloudy pigments decrease substantially.


The Three C’s of ruby zoisite:


Whether it is purchasing a ruby zoisite gemstone or jewelry piece online or at a store, certain important factors determine the value of ruby zoisite stone:

Color: Ruby zoisite has two or three primary colors:

  • Green because of the zoisite
  • Pink or red because of the ruby crystals
  • Sometimes black because of the possible hornblende presence, which is a dark mineral type.

However, hornblende is not always present and is normally unwanted except for some peculiar cases where a rare and fascinating pattern is formed on the stone.  The ratio of green and red will differ according to the number of ruby crystals—often with a few red or rose spots, and others with certain green regions, with a balance of red and pink. However, the latter case is less common because the green trend is more popular. Cutters normally aim to provide more red colors by optimizing parts of rubies, but sometimes gems are cut in order to reveal only the most desirable hue.

Clarity: Owing to the substantial prevalence of inclusions, ruby zoisite is an opaque gem. When polished, the high-grade material displays a vitreous luster.

Cut: Ruby zoisite is usually a cabochon cut gemstone.  It is quite prominent as an ornamental stone, frequently carved into animals and other ornate decorative items. Also, fine materials can be faceted for special occasions. Tumbled and drilled ruby-zoisite beads are very common. Large oval-shaped ruby zoisites are the most significant ones.


Treatments of ruby zoisite:


Ruby zoisite is not known to be processed, improved, or enhanced in any manner whatsoever to improve any of its properties.


How to take care of ruby zoisite?


Ruby zoisite displays perfect cleavage. Hence these gemstones are expected to be protected from heavy hits or blows that may cause stones to crack or shatter and lead to fracture.  It's a moderately hard material but still much softer than many other 'more popular' jewels, including sapphire, spinel, and topaz. Prevent excessive exposure to intense heat, direct light, or abrupt temperature changes. Ruby-zoisite should not be subjected to ammonia, chlorine, or any harsh substances or cleaners. Avoid the use of ultrasonic and steam cleaners. The easiest way to clean ruby zoisite is to use regular soapy water and a gentle fabric. Make sure to scrub thoroughly to remove the traces of soap.

Avoid wearing ruby zoisite gemstones to training, sports, or intensive domestic tasks, such as dishwashing. Store ruby zoisite away from other gemstones to prevent scratching. It's better to wrap stones with a soft cloth or put them inside a fabric-lined jewelry case.

Ruby zoisite meaning


Like just another green zoisite, a lot of people rate the ruby zoisite quite high. Ruby zoisite is thought to strengthen the relationship between the mind and the heart, possibly due to its dual color scheme. The stone is said to have a very deep mystical nature and helps people understand more about themselves and broaden their consciousness. It is also believed to bring peace, abundance, and success to the wearer and helps dispel negativity.


Ruby zoisite chakra


Ruby zoisite is associated with the crown and the heart chakra. It is a gemstone that incorporates the properties of hornblende, ruby, and zoisite. Rubies are a mark of fire, while zoisite is a crystal of the earth. So, ruby-in-zoisite is the perfect gemstone for combining the forces and powers of fire and the earth.


Ruby zoisite metaphysical properties:


  • Ruby zoisite is believed to improve psychic ability and spirituality.
  • It is also used to help deal with problems relating to patience and mood swings.
  • Physically, ruby-in-zoisite is believed to be effective in treating bacterial infections. It is also used to help increase fertility for both men and women.
  • Like a natural ruby gemstone, zoisite too exudes metaphysical and curing powers. Sometimes fitted into silver frames to focus the energy on the heart chakra, ruby zoisite is considered talismanic aid among practitioners.
  • It is a harmless stone and neutralizes the harmful effects of other strong gemstones that could hinder your growth.

Ruby zoisite birthstone:


People born under the zodiac signs Aries and Aquarius can use ruby zoisite as their birthstone.

Where should you buy ruby zoisite gemstones?


Ruby zoisite is not just another typical gemstone, so it can be difficult to find this rare gem in your local crystal shop. When purchasing ruby zoisite online or any gemstone for that matter, you must ensure that the purchase is being made from a trustworthy source. The after-sales policies, customer reviews, and the quality of the product certainly matter and must be looked into before purchase. Also, purchase from a store that allows easy returns, so you can buy without any risk. If you’re still skeptical about where to buy ruby zoisite online, your hunt ends here. We at GemsforJewels, offer natural ruby zoisite of the highest quality. These natural stones can be bought loose, as cabochons and strands, or as connectors; there are many varieties for you to choose from. We also offer different shapes to pick from, including rough, oval, round, nugget, and flat. This is your one-stop shop to pick high-quality natural ruby zoisite gemstones.

*Disclaimer: Any of the claims related to the healing benefits, uses, and metaphysical properties of this or any other gemstone are not guaranteed or validated by this Gemstone Guide. All the information provided in this guide should in no way be used as a substitute or alternative for medical advice. *