Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Famous for a unique property called labradorescence, labradorite is gaining popularity all over the world for its distinct look. It has a dark body tone, along with an iridescence that makes the stone stunning and lively.  Which is why it is used for making pendants, earrings, anklets, and so much more. Moravian missionaries of the late eighteenth century introduced the stone into the European market. They were the first ones to discover labradorite.

Labradorite is also famous for its healing properties and is believed to act as a powerful companion in the user's awakening journey. It has the virtues of a stone of magic and reminds us that there is usually a lot more to see than what meets the eye. Its mystic appearance, which combines a dark body and contrasting lines, shows that its nature is a sign of a whole new world that we often forget to see.

This buying guide will tell you everything you need to know about the labradorite stone and how to identify if it’s real.

What is labradorite?


Labradorite is a feldspar mineral that exhibits a schiller effect, which is a strong play of iridescent blue, green, orange, red, and yellow colors. The phenomenon of labradorescence occurs when light strikes a twinning surface within the stone and gets reflected. The color of light reflected from the twinning surface is the color the observer notices. Different twinning surfaces within the stone reflect different colors of light, giving the stone a multi-colored appearance.


How is labradorite formed?


Labradorite is formed in the presence of heat and pressure that make a mixture of various rocks and minerals. The newly formed mixture slowly cools down, and the minerals separate into layers and harden with several inclusions. These layers are responsible for the gemstones’ shimmering color play. The wrong combination of minerals, or cooling too quickly, creates similar rocks that don’t have the same shimmering play of color as labradorite gemstones.


Where is labradorite found?


Labradorite is a type of feldspar, and feldspar is found all over the world in all types of rock formations. But labradorite is much rarer than feldspar. It is formed in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks and gets its name from the region where it was first found, Labrador, Canada. Though it was first discovered in Canada, Madagascar is now the biggest source of labradorite. Labradorite is also mined in Norway, Finland, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Australia.

Similar and Related Variants of Labradorite:


  1. Spectrolite: This high-quality variant of labradorite is only found in Finland and displays a wide range of colors.
  2. Andesine: Although this variant shares the same chemical composition as labradorite, it looks quite different. It is a reddish-orange transparent gemstone that is usually facet cut.
  3. Sunstone: This variant has glittery hematite inclusions on a transparent or translucent gemstone. These inclusions are yellow, orange, and red.
  4. Rainbow Moonstone: This unique gemstone is blue and has an iridescent quality.

The Four C’s of Labradorite:


Color: Unlike other colored gemstones, the colors displayed by labradorite are not present in the stone. It is the effect of light interacting with the imperfections within the gemstone. Labradorite usually has a gray, black, brown, or dark brown body tone, along with labradorescence of green, blue, and purple shades.

Clarity: In labradorites, it is the minuscule impurities that allow its play of color. When light hits the layers of tiny impurities, the spectral colors are seen. Labradorite stones are usually opaque to translucent, but some variants are transparent as well. Since opaque labradorites don’t display as much labradorescence, they are not very much preferred for making jewelry.

Cut: Labradorites are generally cut into the shape of beaded cabochons with smooth domes. They are usually cut into rounds, ovals, pears, and marquise rather than angular cuts. Labradorites that are cut with care have maximum iridescence.

Carat Weight: Labradorites are found in many different sizes, but the size does not play a big role in determining its value. Most retailers highlight the length and width of the labradorite, rather than the carat weight. This gives the exact measurement of the stone’s size without having to physically hold the stone.

Treatments of Labradorite:


Labradorite is not treated in any way. It only undergoes basic cutting and polishing. Other variants of the wider labradorite family, such as yellow andesine is sometimes diffused to enhance their appearance.


How to cleanse labradorite?


Labradorite is rated 6 – 6.5 Mohs on the hardness scale. This makes it hard enough to use for most types of jewelry, but these ornaments should be taken care of properly. Labradorite has internal layers, making it susceptible to breakage in situations of extreme pressure or when it is struck too hard. Hence, jewelers prefer to use labradorite in earrings and pendants instead of rings and bracelets.

The best way to clean your labradorite is to rub gentle soap and water on the surface using an untreated cloth. Instruments like ultrasonic cleaners or steamers should be avoided while cleaning labradorite. You can store labradorite in a soft cloth to prevent scratches on the surface that are caused by harder materials.

Meaning, Mythology, Uses, Metaphysical, and Crystal Healing Properties:


Labradorite Meaning: The meaning of labradorite is associated with shamanism, which is the ancient form of spirituality where healing is attained through a parallel plane of existence and different states of consciousness. Labradorite helps those looking for philosophical answers. Next time, hold on to your labradorite crystal and start your quest for higher consciousness.


  • The Inuits used to call labradorite a "firestone" and believed that the powdered forms of this gemstone could help cure ailments. According to an ancient Inuit legend, a mighty warrior could see the Northern Lights inside the rocks, and when he struck them with his spear, he had freed them for everyone else to see.
  • Spectrolite, an uncommon variant of labradorite, was found by accident in Finland during World War II while a defense line was being built on the eastern border. Because of the timing and the sheer luck involved in this discovery, many consider labradorite to carry spiritual value and call it a true gift of nature given to the universe during a trying difficulty. 

Labradorite Uses: Since it was discovered, labradorite has been a highly sought-after stone for jewelry purposes. It is also used in the production of glass, for road construction purposes, and in ceramic manufacturing  processes.


Labradorite Metaphysical Properties:


Labradorite is considered a tremendously spiritual stone.  Wearing or carrying labradorite is believed to give one's innate magical powers the chance to surface.

  • When you use labradorite, mental and intuitive abilities are believed to be heightened for clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control.
  • It is believed to help build a connection with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings, and recalling past-life incidents. Some even say that it makes moving between the worlds easier and allows a safe passage back to the present.
  • Labradorite is known to bring out the best in people at the workplace and make your time at work more congenial.
  • Individuals struggling to regain energy can use labradorite to aid the body and spirit in healing itself. Labradorite carries great value in the metaphysical world and is considered a powerful protector of the user. The gemstone is believed to protect its user by creating a shield from bad auras and negativity.
  • Labradorite is known for its changing colors; this inadvertently signifies it as a stone of transformation, which enhances the strength of will and increases inner worth.
  • This gemstone is said to stimulate the throat chakra.
  • Although it is not associated with any zodiac sign, it is thought that individuals with the zodiac sign Cancer are especially attracted to labradorite.

Labradorite Healing Properties:


  • Labradorite is believed to alleviate stress, help deal with depression, and carries great physical healing benefits.
  • It is also believed to be associated with the healing of the respiratory system, the digestive and metabolic system, symptoms of rheumatism and PMS, gout and arthritis, as well as regulating high blood pressure.

The stone should be cleaned every two weeks to keep it at its maximum potential. Cleanse it by running the stone under lukewarm water and dry it under the sun for about an hour—the more natural the water, the better. Using spring water or rainwater is ideal, but tap water will suffice.

Where should you buy labradorite gemstones?


At GemsforJewels, we offer natural labradorite gemstones of the highest quality. These stones can be bought as strands, cabochons, and connectors; there are umpteen varieties for you to choose from. We also boast a range of different shapes to pick from, including bead, heart, cube, and rectangle, and 16 other stunning shapes. So, whether you’re looking for bezel connectors or strands for those special necklaces or need a special cabochon to set in earrings or rings, we have a wide range of labradorites that can fulfill every whim and fancy.