Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Turquoise jewelry has long been synonymous with hope and protection due to its vivid blue color.  This gemstone can be used in antique jewelry, and is often integrated into imaginative contemporary items and can enhance any collection. This blue beauty is even moderately priced.

With its striking blue to blue-green tones, turquoise has been recognized by civilizations all over the world for over 5,000 years.  Today, the traditional December birthstone is preferred by well-known contemporary jewelry designers.

In terms of value, the evenness of color and saturation are the main factors. The ability of the turquoise to take strong polish without stabilization is also a vital factor. Turquoise is a true gem deal. Also, the best grades of this gemstone are modestly priced relative to many other jewels.

With its intriguing hues, this magnificent stone has the distinction of being the only gemstone with a color named after it! While it's not quite as costly as a diamond or a sapphire, turquoise has no less magical effect than these expensive gems.

In this detailed shopping guide, we're going to take you through our top tips to buy the right turquoise!

What is Turquoise?


Turquoise  is an opaque gemstone with stunning greenish-blue color. The name 'turquoise' derives from the French word for Turkish, and history tells us that the stone was first taken from Turkey to Europe.

The stones were excavated from the mines in Asia and carried in via the trading routes by Turkey. Turquoise forms over millions of years as water passes into rocks that contain minerals, such as copper and aluminum. When this occurs, a chemical reaction is triggered, and veins are created, which later, together, create turquoise! Chemists know the stone by the formula CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O, aka a hydrated copper and aluminum phosphate.

Where is Turquoise found?


Turquoise has been mined in many parts of the country, and the light blue Persian turquoise is thought by many to be among the best specimens of the gem . Mines in India produce green turquoise, and Chinese mines are currently exporting a lot of turquoise in various colors to the jewelry industry—be mindful that most of this turquoise has been colored or manipulated in a different way. Mines in the southwestern US, mostly family-owned, produce turquoise in a range of colors and qualities.

However, a major source of turquoise  can still be found in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. Just one mine, located in Apache Canyon, California, exists commercially today. Turquoise has been first mined in Iran (earlier known as Persia). It was the prime source for several years, but now all its mines have been exhausted.

Today, this elegant opaque gemstone is received in vast quantities from Mexico, China, and the United States (Arizona and California). It can also be found in Australia, Afghanistan, Chile, Tibet, and Turkey.

Turquoise properties – The Four C's:


Before purchasing a turquoise gemstone, it is recommended to acquire ample knowledge to assess the gemstone's condition, cost, and quality. Like every other gemstone, even turquoise's price revolves around the 4 Cs of quality analysis, but it is definitely not constrained to these factors.

Color: The most precious color of turquoise is even, intense, medium blue.  But some buyers favor greenish-blue, and some modern designers are consciously seeking avocado and lime green turquoise. Generally, pure saturated blue colors are the most precious.

Colors vary from shades of blue to blue-green to yellowish-green based on the number of trace elements.  It is the copper that incorporates the blue color in the turquoise gemstone, chromium and vanadium bring in the green hue whereas iron adds in a little yellow. There are unusual blue-violet specimens of strontium impurities.

Clarity: Turquoise's clarity varies from semi-translucent to opaque.   Few specimens could have matrix veins flowing through them. Spiderweb turquoise includes fine matrix seams that form appealing web-like patterns. Turquoise is normally opaque, but you can also find a rarer transparent turquoise.

Typically, it is not a sparkling gemstone and has a matte appearance. Most turquoise contain a matrix that corresponds to dark spidery inclusions, varying from thick to thin. While shoppers normally prefer transparent and shiny turquoise without any inclusions, turquoise with inclusions has intriguing designs that make it even more attractive.

Cut: Turquoise is naturally elegant; hence cutting is not a crucial aspect of the attractiveness of this gemstone.  Turquoise is often faceted or used in rugged forms based on the style of the piece of jewelry. Turquoise is also used as a cabochon. The shape of the dome shows off the color of the turquoise, the texture, and every matrix wonderfully.  In addition, manufacturers and artisans’ style turquoise rough into beads for strand necklaces and into fine, flat pieces common in jewelry inlays.

Carat Weight: Turquoise is available in a various size, but big turquoise pieces with no noticeable matrix are uncommon. Both types are used for Native American jewelry. Large sizes have become popular for carvings. The consistency and evenness of the color are the primary value attribute for every scale.

A word on treatments of Turquoise:


There are various enhancements for this stone. They are very difficult to identify without thorough expertise and proper monitoring equipment. Pale specimens are generally treated extensively to enhance their color. Fine-grained and lightweight material with strong polish is uncommon.

Skin oils and cosmetic residues can easily darken the color of turquoise gems. For these purposes, several stones in the market have been improved in one direction or another. Natural stones also get a surface coat of paraffin wax to seal and polish. Turquoise itself is not always dyed.

How to take care of Turquoise?


Natural turquoise can ingest items such as cleaning materials, perfumes, or metal polish, which may change its color.  Remove turquoise jewelry before washing and applying any cosmetic products to your skin. Since most turquoise is translucent, it can extract oil from the skin. Beads and rings that contact the skin will eventually darken as they extract natural oils from the skin.

Due to the peculiar properties of this gem, turquoise jewelry should be reserved for occasional wear.  Protect your gemstone from fire, chemicals, and shocks, and use protective settings, particularly if you’re wearing this stone in a ring. Do not use any artificial washing techniques, such as ultrasonic or steam cleaning. Washing this porous gem substance with soap, detergents, or cleaning solutions is the best and easy way.

How to identify fake turquoise jewelry?


Typically,  turquoise is measured on three essential quality factors: color, form, and the appearance or absence of a matrix. Here are few tips for spotting counterfeits:

  • Howlite and magnesite are light grey to white minerals with patterns that mimic spider webbing, which is colored to look like natural turquoise. Be careful because the color is bright blue and very uniform. The scratching of the surface will also show a change of color.
  • Less quality turquoise is translucent, so transitions from pale blue to green will occur over time.
  • Reconstructed or pressed turquoise is composed of turquoise powder or chips combined with liquid plastic resins, which are then dyed and fried. This can be detected by magnification or heat that exposes a burning plastic smell.

Turquoise healing properties:


  • Turquoise helps to absorb nutrients, strengthens the immune system, promotes tissue regeneration, and cures the entire body.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties and relieves cramps and discomfort.
  • Turquoise helps purify the lungs, soothes sore throats, and cures the skin, even cataracts.
  • It also helps neutralize over-acidity, recover from rheumatism, gout, digestive disorders, and viral infections.

Turquoise meaning:


Turquoise, the enchanting sea-green stone of the ancients, reflects knowledge, peace, security, good fortune, and hope. Ancient people believed in its profound ability to defend and its calm energy and connection with an everlasting love.

Turquoise metaphysical properties:


  • Turquoise  is a stone of purification. It dispels negative energies and can be worn to guard against external stimuli or toxins in the environment.
  • Turquoise combines and aligns the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner peace.
  • It is excellent for stress and fatigue, and it even has the ability to avoid panic attacks.
  • Turquoise encourages self-realization and aims to overcome innovative challenges.
  • It is a sign of affection, and it stimulates romantic love.

Turquoise birthstone:


Turquoise is the birthstone of December, and turquoise jewelry is the best present for a baby born in December.

Where should you buy turquoise gemstones?


Turquoise is commonly treated to enhance its color and stability. If you are searching for turquoise that has not been manipulated in any way, make sure that your jeweler has gemological experience and awareness. The highest performing turquoise is softer and more robust. Turquoise is one of the most attractive colored gemstones.

If you’re looking to purchase one, why not opt for the best from the best. At GemsforJewels, we offer turquoise gemstone of the highest quality that you’ll ever come across. Your hunt for some of the best turquoise gemstones ends here. We have a range of turquoise as strands, cabochons, connectors, and rosary chains. You can also check out our wide selection of stone shape options such as cubes, hearts, marquises, pears, and 13 others. One amongst them could be the ideal pick to complete your jewelry collection.

*Disclaimer: Any of the claims related to the healing benefits, uses, and metaphysical properties of this or any other gemstone are not guaranteed or validated by this Gemstone Guide. All the information provided in this guide should in no way be used as a substitute or alternative for medical advice.*