Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Did you know that the signet ring Cleopatra once wore was an amethyst? Amethyst jewelry has also been worn on the red carpet by celebrities like Debra Messing and Zoe Salanda.

The gemstone of choice for those born in February, renowned for its glorious purple hue, Amethyst is still the most valued variety of quartz, stunning and shockingly inexpensive.

If you're in search of this gemstone, there are a few things you need to know before you make the purchase. This amethyst buying guide has hints and recommendations on what to look for, including the various quality factors.

What is Amethyst?


Amethyst is purple quartz in its purest form (silicon dioxide).  Just like several other minerals, quartz appears in a wide range of shades, but Amethyst is the most valuable of them. Quartz crystals are colorless without any impurities. However, with the inclusion of iron impurities and radiation from the nearby minerals, these crystals become Amethyst.

By definition, all amethysts are purple, although bi-colored crystals called ametrine can be formed by distinct conditions in surroundings. These purple gemstones can have a smooth surface when faceted, reflecting the sun, resembling gleaming metal. Back in the time, amethysts were considered highly valuable and were described as a 'royal' gem.

Where is Amethyst found?


Amethyst is present in several countries worldwide: Bolivia, Brazil, Madagascar, Mexico, Namibia, Rwanda, Uruguay, and the United States.   The world's largest amethyst geode weighs over two and a half tonnes and is over 3.25 meters long. It is called the Empress of Uruguay and is believed to be over 130 million years old.

Amethyst properties – The three C's:


Whether it is purchasing an amethyst gemstone or jewelry piece online or at a store, certain important factors determine its value:

Color: Amethysts range in color from very light hues such as pinkish-purple (Rose de France) to deep and dark bluish-purple grape hues.  Additionally, heat treatment may be performed to bring out a lighter shade or alter the color to citrine. The iron content and natural irradiation beneath the Earth's crust provide Amethyst its purple color. Finding some of the most exceptional specimens is quite uncommon, although high-quality amethysts can be easily obtained. Like several other colored gemstones, the price tag is most affected by hue, pitch, and saturation influences. Amethyst with even color throughout its surface without displaying visible zoning is considered to be of high-grade quality.

Clarity: Clarity is vital because it  permits the crystal to reflect light out of the surface. If the stone contains inclusions that impede the light flow, the stone's brilliance may gradually diminish. Usually, only eye-clean amethysts are cut for jewelry. This ensures that the obvious defects are not retained. When looking for an amethyst, make sure that there are no inclusions within the stone and that it is pure and vivid.

Cut: Usually, amethysts are cut to enhance the stone's hue.  Faceting is more suitable for eye-clean crystals with minimal or no zoning, as the purpose of faceting is to allow the stone to reflect as much light as possible. Any type of cut is possible, whether oval, cushion, triangle, marquise, or emerald, depending on the stone's size and the distribution of its color.

Cutting them en cabochon is more fitting for highly inclusive crystals with significant zoning. Cabochons rely on the fascinating patterns formed on the surface of the stone by inclusions and color zoning. In other words, with this sort of break, what we deem defects (zoning, inclusions) are exploited to benefit.

Carat Weight: You will find amethysts in a variety of sizes.  If large center-stones is your type, Amethyst is a decent option as even with the rise in carat weight, the price of amethysts would not go up.

A word on treatments of Amethyst:


Naturally occurring as a beautiful gemstone, unlike several other gemstones, Amethyst seldom requires any essential treatments. A perfect cut is all it takes.  : when used to increase color and reduce inclusions or when used to transform it into some form of gemstone. As Amethyst can be incredibly dark, it can be treated to make it lighter, or it can be used to make it into some form of quartz.

Purple quartz, in particular, is converted into citrine or green quartz by application of heat. Due to the possibility of color loss/transformation, there is not much incentive for heat treatment for inclusions. As a result, unless an incredibly dark stone is lightened to the perfect Siberian hue, these adjustments do not influence the value.

You need to be told about these therapies by a reputable jeweler or gemologist before your purchase. Chemically equivalent to natural amethysts, laboratory amethysts are manufactured in a manner comparable to natural gemstones. Since the value of amethyst crystal rock is fairly poor, synthetics on the market are not common. However, if you come across any such treatments after purchase, they do not have value.

How to take care of Amethyst?


Amethyst, ranked 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, is a moderately hard gemstone.  It is much softer than stones such as diamonds, sapphires, or moissanite, which implies that it is prone to damage. It is quite easy to take care of an amethyst. With warm and soapy water, you can rinse off the excess dust and oil particles on the crystal.

You must take special caution when wearing the stone, in addition to daily cleaning. Stop bumping the stone on a hard surface or rubbing it. Keep it away from tougher stones and metals that could scratch the surface while handling the Amethyst.

Fire is the mortal enemy of amethysts. Extreme and prolonged sunlight exposure will cause the color to disappear, so try preventing it.

Harsh chemicals such as chlorine can also affect both the stone and the ring band. When sunbathing, exercising, or doing domestic chores such as doing the dishes or washing, avoid wearing jewelry. Appropriate maintenance will extend your Amethyst's life.

After some time, you will need to replace the Amethyst on your ring even with all this treatment. The positive side is that it won't be expensive to remove your stone because amethysts are inexpensive.

Some people had amethyst jewels that withstood the test of time and were handed on to the next generation as heirlooms. It all boils down to how the jewelry is taken care of.

Amethyst healing properties:


According to personal experiences from several people , amethysts are claimed to have many metaphysical properties and healing powers, such as:

  • Improving the immune system
  • Enhancement of endocrine system
  • Improving the appearance of skin
  • Digestive health promotion
  • Headache Reduction
  • Hormone control

 However, these are all scientifically unproven statements. While some of these advantages might be true, the science community sees analysis as evidence of productivity, and there hasn't been much of it in this case.

Amethyst meaning:


The name amethyst originates from the Greek word "amethystos," meaning "not intoxicated." The Greeks and Romans claimed that when consuming alcoholic drinks, this gemstone would shield them from addiction, and they developed amethyst drinking cups primarily to avoid the effects of alcohol.

Amethyst has been recognized as a healing stone throughout history. Soldiers once wore the stone into battle as the tradition has it that the Amethyst would keep the wearer protected from thoughts of sadness and fear, physical addictions, and insomnia.

Amethyst chakra:


Amethyst helps to bring harmony to your mind and your crown chakra so that you can concentrate on healing the blockages that prevent you from feeling pleasure.

Your seventh chakra is purple and, since it is at the very top of the head, it is known as the crown chakra. One has an intimate connection to the crown chakra, which is sacred is and divine.  Since it aligns the mind with absolute awareness and knowledge, the crown chakra is also known as the happiness chakra.

You are communicating with your strongest, greatest self as you unlock your crown chakra. Because of your seventh chakra's incredible ability to open you up to infinite reality, several experts urge you to first align the lower chakras before trying to align the topmost one. However, if you feel the need, you should feel free to relax and centralize yourself. To boost your crown chakra, use amethysts, even if you aren't sure that the majority of your chakras are in alignment.

Amethyst metaphysical properties:

  • Amethysts are identified to assist in opening the third eye of a human.  It is considered that the third eye is a center of strength and knowledge.
  • Crystal practitioners claim that to improve or sharpen divine dreams and enlightenment, an individual should use amethysts. Again, these are statements that are statistically unproven.
  • Practitioners of metaphysical crystals may also assume that amethyst geodes or crystals put in your home can absorb negative energy and generate an aura of calm in the room.

Amethyst uses:


If you would like to check out for yourself the therapeutic effects of amethysts , here are a few ways you can introduce them into your life:

  • In your pocket or bag, hold a tiny amethyst stone.
  • Wear amethyst-based jewelry, such as a necklace, bracelet, or ring.
  • Place crystals or geodes of Amethyst in your house.
  • Amethysts and other crystals may be used by herbal medicine practitioners in curing by positioning them around the body. You could also position them on the body parts aligned with various chakras or energy routes.

Additional methods of using amethyst crystals include:

  • Drinking from crystal-influenced glasses or bottles of water (best recommended to be purchased from a trusted manufacturer)
  • Placing them in a pool (just make sure the crystal can be in the water)

As crystals are said to absorb energy, after usage, it is advised that you clean them.

Amethyst birthstone:


It is known that amethyst rings have psychologically relaxing properties that can increase the clarity of mind. For the February babies, this gemstone is the classic and modern birthstone. Amethyst is also for the 4th, 6th, and 9th anniversary.

Where should you buy amethyst gemstones?


Amethyst jewelry can be found in many online stores. When buying online, ensure that you are buying from a top-rated vendor with a proven track record. Some platforms have endless options to suit various budgets and styles, but all may not be genuine.  When purchasing Amethyst online or any gemstone for that matter, you need to ensure that the purchase is being made from a trustworthy source.

The after-sales policies, customer reviews, and quality of the product certainly matter and must be looked into before purchase. Also, purchase from a store that allows easy returns so you can buy without any risk. So, if you're still skeptical about where to buy Amethyst online, your hunt ends here. We at GemsforJewels, offer natural Amethyst of the highest quality.

These stones can be bought loose stones, as cabochons or even strands, connectors, and rosary chains; there are many varieties for you to choose from. We also offer different shapes to pick from, including bead, cube, heart, pear, and 20 other options in hues of pink, purple, and green. This is your one-stop shop to pick high-quality natural amethyst gemstone.

*Disclaimer: Any of the claims related to the healing benefits, uses, and metaphysical properties of this or any other gemstone are not guaranteed or validated by this Gemstone Guide. All the information provided in this guide should in no way be used as a substitute or alternative for medical advice.*