Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Who doesn't feel relieved by staring up at a blue sky? Topaz is one such ambitious gemstone, promising a blue sky even on a gloomy day. Topaz forms in large crystals that can be cut into faceted gemstones weighing hundreds of carats. Large gems in fine colors are quite uncommon, but if you are into large rocks, topaz is an amazing buy.

Topaz is an excellent choice for any kind of jewelry due to its high refractive index, hardness of 8 on the Mohs scale, and its ability to shine spectacularly. Blue topaz is also the official gemstone of Texas, while orange topaz is the official gemstone of Utah.

Topaz is a versatile gemstone for jewel makers. This gem comes in so many different shapes and sizes that it inspires creative jewelry designs. So, you aren't restricted to the standard traditional gemstone shapes. This gemstone looks stunning when combined with other pastel gems such as citrine and amethyst in vivid gemstone jewelry designs. Faceted topaz is so shiny that it feels quite sleek and slippery to the fingertips. Let's look at what you should know about when purchasing a topaz gemstone to add to your jewelry range.

What is Topaz?


Topaz is derived from the Sanskrit word for fire, tapas.  The most valuable topaz varieties are the warm colors – golden, yellow, orange, and red – which mimic the color of fire, hence the name. Topaz has long been known as the "golden gem," ancient people thought that the stone's golden color came from the sun's rays.

There are some theories as to how this lovely gemstone got its name. Some say the name Topaz was derived from the Greek word Topazion, which is derived from the Sanskrit word for fire. Others say that topaz was named after the Egyptian island of Topezos in the Red Sea.

Another potential explanation for the topaz's name is that it is derived from the Hindu word for heat. For Hindus, topaz holds a particular meaning. The topaz stone is considered one of the nine holy stones and is thought to be the stone of the Kalpa Tree. Topaz is found most often in pegmatites, granites, and rhyolites (igneous rocks). It is also present in secondary deposits (alluvial).

Where is Topaz found?


Topaz has been found in several localities around the world , including Brazil, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Russia, Burma, Pakistan, USA and Mexico. The premier source is near Ouro Prêto in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state.

Topaz properties – The Four C's:


Color: Topaz is typically found in colorless and brown varieties . But it is the exceptional golden, orange, pink, red, and purple varieties that are sometimes referred to as "precious" or "imperial" topaz that are the mainstay of the fine gem industry. Although blue topaz can be present in nature, most of the material is created by a combination of irradiation and heating.

Color centers offer yellow and brown topaz their colors. Colors derived from the impurity chromium range from pink to red. Orange topaz is created by combining color centers and chromium. Color centers offer blue topaz its color.

The color of some brown topaz can fade with time. Red is one of the most sought-after topaz shades, accounting for less than half of all facet-grade content contained. While blue topaz is the most popular color, topaz often comes in lovely pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, and browns due to various treatment that produces the color.

Clarity: Most topaz comes from reliable sources. As a result, eye-clean stones are both attractive and feasible.  Pink and red topaz are the exceptions since only small stones are typically visible. Inclusions are accepted to a significantly higher degree in certain colors. Faceted blue topaz is almost entirely free of apparent inclusions to the naked eye. Other more unusual shades, such as imperial and pink, can have more inclusions but are still desirable due to their scarcity.

Topaz gemstones with fewer intrinsic defects are often more expensive than stones with more inclusions. Examine the brightness of a gemstone with the naked eye in a well-lit environment - the cleaner the gem appears, the higher is its clarity. To examine a gemstone’s clarity, look at the stone with the naked eye in a well-lit setting – the cleaner the gem looks, the better its clarity.

Bear in mind, however, that since different types of impurities produce different topaz hues, some topaz colors are naturally less transparent than others. Due to these impurities that allow the stone to be colored, certain types of pink topaz, for instance, appear less white.

Cut: Topaz is usually cut as elongated stones as well as ovals, cushions, and pears, owing to the form of the rough (elongated prisms) . Pears, in particular, are often cut with too narrow shoulders to save weight. Blue topaz is cut in almost every form and style imaginable due to its massive output. Cabochon-cut topazes are uncommon.

While topaz has perfect basal cleavage, it is not an easy cleavage and does not present the cutter with too many challenges. Nonetheless, cutters will often attempt to ensure that no facet is parallel to the cleavage path, and jewelers will attempt to mount precious stones in settings that secure the stone.

However, gemstone cuts with open facets, such as the emerald and Asscher cuts, are breathtaking for bringing out the transparency and color of the stone. Cabochon cut topaz is a lovely way to highlight the clarity and vitreous sheen of the gemstone.

Carat Weight: Topaz is one of the world's largest gemstones, with samples weighing more than 5 or 10 carats being very popular and available at quite fair prices. But for the very rare Imperial Topaz, the price per carat is fairly consistent regardless of carat size.

A word on treatments of Topaz:


As previously mentioned, many forms of topaz are usually enhanced.  The most popular method for producing blue topaz is a combination of irradiation and heat treatment. Colorless topaz is irradiated and turned brown with this procedure. The stone is then heated, which causes it to turn blue. Although the brown color is generally unstable, fading with extended sunlight exposure, the blue color is generally stable under standard wearing conditions.

Bulk diffusion, in which stones are heated for long stretches when covered by cobalt, is another treatment done occasionally for topaz. This causes the cobalt to form a thin film on the substrate, transforming it from green to blue. This sheet is quite thin.

Finally, a few topaz gemstones are coated with metallic oxides, close to just how camera lenses are coated. This results in a rainbow of colors and highlights, but the coatings are quickly scratched. The product is marketed as "rainbow" topaz.

How to take care of Topaz?


Warm soapy water and a clean, dry cloth are all you need to clean your topaz . This removes the grime and debris that has accumulated on the stone's surface, preserving its luster. Because of the toughness of topaz, it should be stored separately and inside a soft fabric. This will shield the other gems from being scratched by the rough/harder surface of other gemstones.

Sweat, contaminants such as chlorine, ammonia, and detergents, as well as other foreign dust and liquids, will also damage the consistency of your topaz. So, be careful while working out and participating in activities that involve the same.

Topaz should be carried with extreme care and secured from bumps and scratches. These gemstones can fade if exposed to bright light for an extended period of time. Prevent the usage of ultrasonic or steam cleaners. Cold, sudsy water and a closely woven microfiber or other soft fabric are ideal for cleaning topaz jewelry.

Topaz healing properties:

  • Topaz helps soothe, heal, stimulate, recharge, re-motivate, and align the body's meridians, directing energy to where it is most needed.
  • It helps encourage the disclosure of the truth and the forgiveness of others. Topaz is associated with joy, generosity, abundance, and good health.
  • It is regarded as a stone of love and fortune. It relieves tension and induces relaxation.
  • Topaz encourages openness and honesty, as well as self-realization and self-control.
  • It helps in problem-solving and the expression of thoughts. Stabilizes the feelings, leaving you open to love from all directions.
  • Topaz promotes digestion and in the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
  • It strengthens the nerves and increases metabolism.

Topaz meaning


Topaz has long been associated with passion and intimacy. Because of its fiery orange hue, many cultures equate topaz with love and passion. Wearing topaz is thought to improve the general cheerfulness and sweetness. Though the precise symbolism of topaz varies depending on the primary colors, the symbol of love and passion remains constant.

Topaz metaphysical properties:

  • Topaz is a gentle, empathic stone that calms, cures, recharges, and re-centers the wearers.
  • It is a favorite stone to wear for "making bridges" between people because it is associated with sensitivity and contact.
  • Blue topaz, in particular, is thought to promote truth and forgiveness while also relaxing the spirit and body.
  • Those who practice meditation recommend it as a wonderful tool for connecting with one's higher self.
  • Topaz of every color is often used to improve social warmth, balancing feelings, and making the wearer open to affection from all sources.
  •  It is thought to relieve the soul of the ego and enable to verbalize calmly in emotional contexts.

Topaz birthstone


If you're thinking of giving topaz jewelry as a present, keep in mind that it may have additional value for only certain people. It is both the November birthstone and the gemstone for the zodiac sign of Scorpio.  Blue topaz is also the official gemstone present for the 4th wedding anniversary.

Where should you buy topaz gemstones?


So now you know all about topaz! If you’ve been reading all the way till here, we’ve probably turned you into a topaz lover. While reading, have you seen a piece of topaz jewelry that caught your eye and left you stunned? If you’re looking to purchase high-quality topaz, why not opt for the best from the best? At GemsforJewels, we offer topaz gemstones of the highest quality. These gemstones can be bought as strands, as well as cabochons and carvings. We also boast a range of different shapes to pick from including cube, heart, marquise, tumble, round, and many more.