Posted on by Nevil A

Diamonds - The word itself inspires awe, glamour, and envy. Just wearing it evokes elegance and luxury. Most girls dream about owning the perfect diamond. But what is the perfect diamond?


Let’s find out.


If you are planning to buy a diamond for that special someone, or just to pamper yourself, you ought to do your diamond research to get the best possible deal.


A lot of people walk into jewelry stores and base their diamond buying decisions plainly on its appearance. Which is okay, but sometimes knowing the details of what makes a diamond beautiful, can help you make an informed buying decision. It can also save you from being talked into buying something that the jeweler wants to push.


It is not always possible to find a diamond expert to help you with your diamond selection. So, to help you in your valiant quest to find the perfect diamond, here are some tips that can help you.


Here are the 4Cs of Diamonds to consider while purchasing them -


  • Cut          
  • Carat
  • Clarity
  • Color

You may already be aware of these terms and even what they mean to a certain extent, nonetheless, here is a break down of what they mean, which is most important and how they can help you choose the right diamonds for your specific needs.


  1. Cut

The cut of the diamond is the most important factor when determining the value of the diamond. Since diamonds are transparent, most of the light passes through, and just a small fraction of it is reflected. This is where the cut plays its part.


The way a diamond is cut is what determines its ability to sparkle. Angles, proportions, and symmetry of the cut are what maximize the reflection of light in a diamond.


There are 3 basic cuts in a diamond. The two extremes are shallow and deep cuts, where the diamond is left either too short or too tall. This is often the result when the cutter is aiming for maximum carat retention. However, this does not allow for optimum light reflection and this could leave you with a dull-looking diamond, even though it may be 2-carat.


The third cut is the ideal cut where the diamond is not too tall nor is it too short. Here, the aim is to cut the diamond at angles to optimize reflection and massively improve its shine.


  1. Color

When we talk about the color of a diamond, we are not talking about the rarer pink, blue or green diamonds. Those are completely different and have a different evaluation scale.


Color refers to how white or transparent a diamond is. Some diamonds may have a brown or yellowish tint which can take away from their beauty. Even diamonds with excellent cuts can look unappealing if they appear tinted. The color of the diamond also lends to its clarity.


Slight variations in color may not be obvious to the naked eye but play a huge role in pricing of the diamond.


  1. Clarity

This is an easy one to understand – it refers to the clarity of the diamond. This means it is free from flaws or blemishes.


So, when you combine cut, color, and clarity at a level where all 3 are optimal, you have got yourself the perfect diamond.


  1. Carat

Carat refers to the weight of a diamond. It is basically a unit of measure, just like pounds or kilograms. Since diamonds are light, they are measured in carats. In fact, 1 carat is exactly 200 milligrams. Which is roughly the weight of a small raisin. So, to clarify, carat is not the size of a diamond but the weight of a diamond.


Cut, color, and clarity are measured on a scale in terms of excellence. They are all qualitative measures of a diamond while carat is an actual number.


Don’t get caught up in carats! You want to make sure all 4Cs align and complement each other. Only then will you find your truly dazzling diamond!