Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

The brown gemstone market is booming, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. That’s because brown is a gender-neutral color and is loved for its versatility. And since brown is a mixture of blue, red, and yellow, it can blend well with many colors and hues. Brown crystals are as tempting as chocolate, and when paired right, they can create quite a sensation.

Brown gemstones have an earthy vibe and can be found in many beautiful tones, from dark chocolate to light brown and hazel. They can also be transparent to opaque. The right shades of brown gemstones can create alluring jewelry styles that score high on looks, and the best part is that they can be pocket-friendly too.



What is the spiritual meaning of brown gemstones?


Brown gemstones can act as a grounding force that promotes clear thinking and stability. Brown stands for security, good fortune, and optimism. It brings in abundant opportunities to make your financial life stable in addition to the balance of your physical, spiritual, and emotional self. Moreover, brown gemstones jazz-up the nerves and promote overall healing.


What do brown crystals symbolize?


Although brown is not associated with a specific chakra, it has a connection with the first chakra, or the Root/Base Chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Brown gems help you connect with the earth to keep you grounded, and they do so through the Root Chakra.

Brown crystals are often associated with the earth sign Capricorn. The color brown is a color that represents friendliness, warmth, simplicity, roots, and humbleness—much as the nature of a typical Capricorn. Their most essential brown birthstone being the tiger’s eye or smoky quartz.


We have picked out 6 brown gemstones that you could add to your brown crystal collection.


Brown Diamond


Brown diamonds are among the most common colored gemstones and have recently gained a lot of popularity! They are known by intriguing nicknames, such as cognac, champagne, and chocolate. These terms are coined based on their color, color intensity, and color saturation. Brown diamonds get their color and tone from either nitrogen impurities or due to the light absorbed through structural defects in the lattice.

Choose a stone that has bright saturation and a medium to dark brown body tone. Brown diamonds can hide impurities well and generally appear quite clear. Pick a stone that has no visible impurities and is eye-clean. Brown diamonds can also be used as center stones for engagement rings; they are a beautiful alternative to traditional colorless diamonds.


Brown Tourmaline


Tourmaline comes in a rainbow of colors, including brown. But since this stone is not mainstream, it can be hard to find. Brown tourmalines usually have secondary shades, such as purple or pink, making them look more beautiful. When looking for a brown tourmaline, go for the dark varieties that have vivid and intensely saturated tones and the ones that display excellent brilliance and clarity. Brown tourmalines are perfect for earrings, pendants, and rings as they catch the light beautifully and have an eye-catching sparkle.


Tiger’s Eye




Tiger’s eye is a member of the quartz family and is very easy to find. It’s loved for its stunning golden to red-brown color and chatoyancy—the cat’s eye effect. These gemstones can be translucent to opaque, and when cut into cabochons, they resemble the cat’s eye. Tiger’s eye gemstones have a smooth, silky luster and display iridescence. With a hardness rating of 5.5 – 6 Mohs, this stone is good enough for regular use and can be used in most types of jewelry. It is believed that this stone helps in treating vision-related problems and provides physical strength to the wearer.


Smoky Quartz


Smoky quartz is the brown variety of quartz. Most smoky quartz stones are translucent to transparent, with a vitreous luster, and contain little to no flaws. As these stones are found in large sizes, they are perfect for making fashion and costume jewelry. The colors in smoky quartz can range from faint, smoky brown to solid black. When looking for smoky quartz, go for the medium to vivid brown variety. 


Hessonite Garnet



Hessonite garnet is one of the many stones that belong to the family of garnets. This stone is actually a grossularite form of garnet that displays several colors such as reddish-brown, orange, and dark brown-orange. That’s why it’s also known as the ‘cinnamon stone.’

Hessonite garnet is also easier to distinguish when compared to other varieties of garnet due to lower manganese content and lower specific gravity. With a hardness rating of 6.5 – 7.5, it’s quite resistant to wear and tear. Hessonite Garnet is ideal for making daily wear jewelry, such as rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, brooches, and pins.




Andalusite is another popular brown gemstone! In fact, it’s known as the poor man’s alexandrite due to its pleochroic properties. When viewed from different angles, this beautiful brown gemstone can display two different colors. This stone is generally transparent to opaque and is rated 7 – 7.5 Mohs on the hardness scale. Which means you can easily create jewelry styles that’ll last a lifetime. Andalusite also has amazing metaphysical properties and helps the wearer view problems from all perspectives without judgment and fear.


Other types of brown gems


There are several other types of beautiful brown healing gemstones in the world. These include chocolate opal, axinite, boulder opal, fire agate, brown citrine, enstatite, zircon, andalusite, obsidian, and sillimanite, to name a few.



Where to buy brown gemstones?


Brown gemstones are ideal for both women and men. If you wish to add a brown colored gemstone to your jewelry collection, GemsforJewels is the place to be. When it comes to finding beautiful brown crystals, we have a stunning selection of precious and semi-precious gems you will absolutely adore. If you require more information about brown gemstones, email us at or call us at +1 (978) 724-4924.