Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Modern and Ancient Birthstones for Each Month


The long-standing tradition of associating gemstones with certain months of the year dates back at least 2000 years. Scholars like Josephus established the relationship between zodiac signs and the stonesin Aaron’s breastplate as early as in the first century of our era. While western traditions associate birthstones with certain months of the year, eastern cultures tend to link the idea of birthstones to celestial bodies.

Today, most people follow the modern list of birthstones, adoptedin 1912 by the American National Association of Jewelers (now known as Jewelers of America) in Kansas. Here’s a list of ancient and modern birthstones according to the birth months.


Modern Birthstone

Ancient Birthstone























Peridot or Spinel












Zircon or Tanzanite



January Birthstone for Capricorn and Aquarius – Garnet


Popular for its deep red varieties, garnet occurs in a rainbow of colors, including purple, orange, yellow and vibrant green. Garnets have a long and rich history. The ancient Egyptians thought of garnets as a symbol of life and regarded them as prized possessions for the afterlife. The garnets mined in India and Sri Lanka were sold by ancient Romans and Greeks to the eastern empires before the birth of Christ. The holy book of the Jews, the Talmud, also talks about a large red garnet being the only source of light on Noah’s ark. Garnets are referred to as the “Gem of Faith” and believed to attract good fortune and strength. While they’re mined in many different locations around the world, India, Australia, China, and the US remain the top producers of garnets.


February Birthstone for Aquarius and Pisces – Amethyst



Amethyst is a variety of quartz and is one of the most popular purple gemstones. The shades in an amethyst can range from pale lilac to deep, dark purple. Associated with legends and lores, this gemstone was considered one of the Cardinal gems and was worn only by the royals and the nobility in the Middle Ages. It is believed that this stone can make you clever and prevent drunkenness. The name, amethyst, in fact, comes from the Greek word “amethystos,” which translates to “not drunken.” For this very reason, the ancient Greeks used carved drinking vessels made from amethyst in order to prevent intoxication. Amethyst was a precious and expensive gemstone in ancient times and was worn only by the rich. Thankfully, the discovery of large amethyst deposits in Brazil made them more affordable to the common public.Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra and is believed to clear themind, sharpen the wit, and improve focus.


March Birthstone for Pisces and Aries– Aquamarine and Bloodstone



Aquamarine is the modern birthstone for the month of March. It is a blue variety of beryl and gets its name from the Latin word “aqua,” meaning “from the sea.” It is associated with the feeling of relaxation and calmness and is the traditional gemstone for the zodiac sign Pisces. Aquamarine, too has a long history and was carried as a protective stone by sailors to prevent seasickness.

According to the ancient birthstone chart, bloodstone is the birthstone for March. This opaque green variety of jasper and chalcedony is famous for its red, blood-like spots, which are actually inclusions of hematite. Like other stones in the list, bloodstone, too, has some interesting history. The ancient Romans and Greeks wore the stone as a charm against the bites of venomous creatures. The Roman and Greek athletes favored it as talismans that could bring them success in their games. Bloodstone represents strength, passion, and health, and is believed to provide protection.


April Birthstone for Aries and Taurus – Diamond



Diamonds are one of the most precious minerals mined from the earth. Made from carbon and with a hardness of 10 Mohs, this exquisite gem is cherished for its brilliance and durability. Its unique characteristic of dispersion makes it act as a prism, making it the most scintillating gemstone in the world. Diamonds are not just found in clear, white colors. Many mines in the world produce different varieties of colored diamonds. Out of which, the most popular ones are pink, blue, red, yellow, black, champagne, and gray diamonds. Diamonds are mostly mined in South Africa, Brazil, Venezuela, Australia, Russia, and the United States of America.


May Birthstone for Taurus and Gemini – Emerald



Emerald is the birthstone of May, according to both the modern and ancient list. This exceptional gem is one of the most coveted ones from the beryl family of minerals. Ranging anywhere from pure green to bluish-green with a vivid tone and color saturation, this gemstone is one of the most expensive gems. The better the clarity of emerald, the higher the price of this green beryl. Legend has it that emerald holds power to make the wearer more quick-witted and intelligent. It is also believed that it can cure diseases like malaria and cholera. The mining sites in Muzo, Chivor, and Coscuez in Colombia produce some of the world's finest emeralds.


June Birthstones for Gemini and Cancer – Alexandrite and Pearl




One of the rarest and most expensive birthstones, alexandrite tops the charts when it comes to alluring people with its strong pleochroism – a quality that lets gems show three colors when viewed from different angles. Yes! Alexandrite displays emerald green, orange, and reddish-yellow colors, depending on the viewing direction. It looks green like the emerald during the day and appears red as a ruby in the night. No wonder they are so desirable! 





Pearl, also known as the organic gemstone, is the birthstone of June. These lustrous beauties are formed within the shells of mollusks and have been an iconic gem for necklaces and rings for centuries. Pearls have been a huge part of Indian, Greek, and Arabic folklore. It is believed that ancient Chinese and Egyptians often used pearl powder to soothe irritated skin and acne. Pearls are also said to represent serenity and wisdom gained through experience.


July Birthstone for Cancer and Leo – Ruby



Did you know that the St. James bible mentions the ruby six times? The king of precious gemstones, ruby, is a symbol of luxury and prosperity. People believe that rubies contain mystical properties that provide physical protection and act as talismans. The Burmese warriors donned rubies to protect themselves during battles. The royalty also loves this precious gemstone for its empirical characteristics that include power, courage, and protection against harm. Powerful enough to activate the Heart Chakra, rubies are known to protect you from the pain of a heartbreak.


August birthstones for Leo and Virgo – Peridot, Spinel and Sardonyx





Peridot is the official birthstone of August. It can vary in colors ranging from yellow-green to lime green and deep olive green. The word, peridot, has its roots in the Arabic word “faridat,”meaning a gem. It is argued that the famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, had an exquisite collection of peridot gemstones, which she mistook as emeralds. In ancient times, people wore this gemstone to protect themselves against the “terrors of the night.”





Spinel is the latest addition to the modern birthstones list for August. It appears in a wide range of colors, including bright red, cobalt blue, vivid pink, pale lavender, and orange. It is believed that spinel has natural healing properties that keep away blood diseases and inflammation. Spinel also alleviates negative emotions and brings harmony and peace.




Sardonyx is the ancient birthstone for the people born in August. A mix of two variations of quartz: sard and onyx, sardonyx is a unique gemstone with its brown, red, and orange colors. Used as early as 4000 years ago, sardonyx signet rings were worn by the Roman nobility and royalty. Most people believe that this gemstone provides spiritual strength and shields against any misfortune.


September Birthstone for Virgo and Libra – Sapphire



Sapphires are the birthstones for those born in the month of September. This gem is loved all over the world for its striking blue color. Sapphires are also found in other colors like pink, yellow, orange, green, purple, violet, and white. With so many color options, it is so easy to pick them in your favorite hues. Sapphires have been popular since ages and were worn by the priests in the Middle Ages to protect themselves from impure thoughts and the temptations of the flesh. Associated with romance and royalty, this stone symbolizes the soul and fidelity.


October Birthstones for Libra and Scorpio – Tourmaline and Opal





The stunning tourmaline is the modern birthstone for people born in the month of October. These stones come in a wide array of colors and varieties such as chrome tourmaline, Paraiba, Indicolite, rubellite, and watermelon tourmaline. It is said that tourmaline has enormous powers that can protect and heal the wearer. Different tourmalines have different healing properties. For example, blue tourmaline promotes tranquillity and provides the courage to communicate from the heart. Red tourmalines can rejuvenate relationships of the heart and bring passion and joy, while the pink ones can impart tenderness and give the ability to be patient through change or growth.





Opals are the ancient birthstones for October and are loved all over the world for their play of color. They display a pearly luster known as “opalescence.” Just like tourmalines, opals too have many varieties and come in a plethora of colors. You can have white opals, black opals, fire opals, or boulder opals. This fascinating gemstone has been a constant favorite for centuries. The Romans loved them, the Aztecs called fire opals the “stone of the bird of paradise,” the Greeks thought they were formed from Zeus’ tears of joy, and the Arabian nomads saw opals as magic stones. It is said that wearing opals can improve emotional stability and bring out loyalty and faithfulness.


November birthstones for Scorpio and Sagittarius – Citrine and Topaz





The modern birthstone for November is citrine. A member of the quartz family, citrine gained popularity in the 20th century during the Art Deco period for its stunning yellow and orange colors. The gem was also popular during the 17th century and was used to decorate dagger handles. They say citrine is a fantastic gem for stimulating the digestive system, the spleen, and the pancreas. It is also believed to prevent any allergic symptoms and hair or skin problems.





Topaz is the ancient birthstone for people born in the month of November. This versatile gemstone is found in a plethora of colors, ranging from red and blue to yellow, pink, and orange, with some colorless varieties as well. Ancient Egyptians believed that the yellow variety of topaz was the embodiment of the Sun God, Ra, and therefore carried talismans and other artifacts made from topaz. The Greeks also loved topaz and thought that it could provide immense vitality and strength. Today, many people believe that topaz can protect them from black magic when worn as an amulet on the arms.


December birthstones for Sagittarius and Capricorn – Zircon, Tanzanite and Turquoise





Zircon is the modern birthstone for the month of December. This scintillating stone comes in a wide array of colors, but the blue variety is the most sought after for people born under the Sagittarius and Capricorn sun signs. Zircon is one of the oldest known minerals on earth and has stayed relatively popular in every century. This wondrous stone is connected to prosperity, honor, and happiness, and expresses spiritual grounding, healing, and balance.





Tanzanite is also the modern birthstone for those born in December. This blue gem comes exclusively from the mines in Tanzania and is highly sought after for its appealing deep blue color. It displays a unique phenomenon called trichroism. So, when you view the stone from different angles, it can appear blue, violet, or burgundy. Tanzanite is known for its healing effects and believed to improve vitality and strengthen the immune system. It is also believed to relieve migraine headaches and cure hyperhidrosis.





Turquoise is the ancient birthstone for the month of December and comes in fascinating shades of turquoise blue. The colors in turquoise can range from sky blue, light turquoise, and medium turquoise to dark turquoise and bright turquoise. Like all the birthstones in ancient charts, turquoise has its fair share of use in the Egyptian, Chinese and Aztec cultures. Turquoise symbolizes stability, creativity, and inner calm, and is believed to cure anxiety, depression and exhaustion.


Birthstones have never failed to captivate our minds. Throughout history, there are numerous accounts of people using birthstones for good luck, wealth and prosperity. So, if you’re looking for high-quality gemstones for their healing properties or simply to flaunt as a piece of jewelry, our collection of 100% natural gemstones has you covered. Our gems can be brought loose, as strands or simply uncut and raw, straight from the mines.