Posted on by Nevil Agrawal

Do you often feel unbalanced in life and unsatisfied with yourself?

Chances are, your chakras are out of balance and you need the assistance of chakra stones.

But what does chakra mean, and what are chakra stones? What does each chakra represent?  How should you select and use chakra stones? And how do you activate these stones?

In this article, you’ll find the answers to all such questions about chakra stones.

In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel.” A chakra is a replica of a particular energy revolving in a wheel or simply like a vortex of energy. Aligned with various parts of our body are seven major chakras.

This Seven Chakras System is an ancient model of the key energy centers in the physical body. Associated with the spine, navel, lower abdomen, the heart, throat, center of the forehead, and crown of the head, it is believed that each chakra has different duties that apply at various stages of development of us as humans.

As individuals, we can succumb to several physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual uneasiness, when our chakras are unbalanced or blocked. We can enjoy our optimum health when these chakras are unblocked and free-flowing. To help us in this process, specific gemstones are believed to activate and amplify the energy of chakras and are hence, they are called ‘chakra stones.’

Chakra stones are believed to have strong healing effects. To choose a chakra stone, you need to have sufficient information about its attributes and purpose. This guide can help you choose your healing crystal depending on the exact chakra you are focusing on.


What are The Seven Chakra Stones And What Does Each Chakra Mean?


Gemstones and crystals that are believed to activate or amplify the energy of the chakras are called ‘chakra stones.’ Each chakra is connected to several gemstones. But before we head onto the various chakra crystals, we need to have a basic knowledge about each of the seven chakras.

Here’s what you need to know about the various chakras and the gemstones related to each chakra:

Root Chakra: The first chakra, also known as the base chakra or muladhara in Sanskrit, represents our foundation. Located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back, and the pubic bone in front, the root chakra keeps us grounded and secure. The root chakra is associated with self-preservation, and also relates to the individuality, stability, and security of the physical body.

The main gemstones that carry the base chakra are mostly red and black, including red jasper, bloodstone, ruby, hematite, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, and fire agate.

Sacral Chakra: Located two to three inches below the navel and rooted into the spine, the second chakra is often referred to as the belly chakra. The sacral chakra is all about wisdom, creativity, and emotions. It is mainly associated with relationships and with the color orange.

Orange calcite, citrine, carnelian, agate, moonstone, and coral are stones that are believed to be good for the sacral chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra: This chakra is our emotional center. Situated just below the ribs, governed by the pancreas, the third primary chakra looks after our abdomen, digestive system, gallbladder, and nervous system. It is the center for personal power, the place of passions, anger, strength, and ego.

Some of the solar plexus chakra gemstones are yellow calcite, citrine, topaz, and malachite.

Heart Chakra: As the name suggests, this is the center for unconditional love, compassion, and spirituality. It is located behind the breast bone, at the center of the chest, at heart level. A chakra that connects body and mind with spirit, the heart chakra is all about connection, acceptance, powerful healing, and transformation.

Kunzite, Watermelon tourmaline, green calcite, rose quartz, and jade are some gemstones that are good for the heart chakra.

Throat Chakra: The center of communication and expression of creativity, in the lower neck at the ‘V’ of the collarbone, lies the throat chakra. It is the gateway to higher consciousness. The throat chakra is governed by the thyroid gland and looks after our throat and jaw, vocal cords, and neck.

Throat chakra crystals are mostly blue and the best ones are amazonite, azurite, amber, aquamarine, turquoise, and lapis lazuli.

Third Eye Chakra: The sixth chakra, located above the eyes at the center of the forehead, is the center for higher intuition, psychic ability, and the energies of spirit and light. The third eye chakra provides you guidance and assists in the purification of negative tendencies or selfish attitudes.

The relevant chakra crystals for the third eye chakra are sodalite, black obsidian, purple fluorite, and amethyst.

Crown Chakra: Spirituality, enlightenment, energy, and dynamic thought, are believed to come from the crown chakra located just behind the top of the skull. The center for connectedness with God, the crown chakra allows inward flow of wisdom and allows one to experience continuous self-awareness.

Gemstones that are mostly clear or violet colored, such as sapphire, opal, amethyst, selenite, clear quartz, and diamond, are supposed to be the best for the crown chakra.


Healing Properties of Chakra Stones


Chakra stones have become increasingly popular due to the healing benefits they are believed to possess. Although these are not medicines and there is no conclusive evidence to prove that crystal healing works, a lot of people are open to trying out these crystals to experiencing the possible benefits.

The energy of the chakras is activated and either amplified or balanced by chakra stones. This belief is termed as crystal healing. With specific energy centers, each crystal’s specific vibrational signature resonates, thereby providing healing benefits.

The following is a list of few healing properties that various chakra crystals possess:

  • Provide great support for the conditions of the bowels and sexual organs.
  • They facilitate meditation by improving one’s concentration.
  • Chakra stones also help purify the body by detoxifying it from bad habits such as drugs or alcohol.
  • Chakra crystals enhance creativity and increase the clarity of thought.
  • They also help to overcome the fear of taking action and also assist in performing any task.
  • Enhance the power of will and thereby help in building confidence, passion, and courage.
  • Chakra stones support various systems of your body and promote proper metabolism.
  • They promote vision by balancing the chemistry and can be great remedies for instability, confusion, and dishonesty.
  • Chakra stones also aid in physical well-being and emotional state by overcoming depression.

How to Choose The Right Chakra Stone


First and foremost, to make the right decision in choosing the perfect chakra stone, you must have in-depth knowledge regarding each chakra and the associated chakra crystals. You must keep in mind that, as there are several gemstones related to a particular chakra, and it is important to determine which one actually suits and works for you.

Another way to choose the right chakra stone is by using your instincts. You may pick your healing stone through intuitive perception. Any one of the chakra stones may catch your eye and turn out to be the most appropriate one because something about it triggered your senses.

By hovering your hand over it and sensing a certain vibe, you may feel the energy of the stone and tingling or heating sensation. Or simply, at the right time, you may spontaneously know which one to choose.

How to Use Chakra Stones


Once you are clear that you’ve chosen the right chakra stone, it is recommended to place it near or on the chakra location for the best results. Whether you are standing or sitting, simply hold the chakra stone in your hand, or wear it as a jewelry piece, or keep it on your body - the idea is to keep the gemstone close to your body. This will greatly assist in harmonizing frequencies.

Before extensively using these chakra stones for availing several health benefits, it is also important to follow certain guidelines that ensure these chakra crystals are provided the best treatment and care.

You should never forget to often clean and recharge your stone before and after each use - this can restore the chakra crystals’ healing properties. It is also recommended to leave the chakra stone under water or saltwater for small durations. Gentle exposure to sunlight or even moonlight will also enhance the beauty of these chakra crystals. Burying them in the soil for a longer duration can also lead to intense regeneration.

With this article, you now have the basic information you need about chakras and chakra stones. These chakra crystals open up whole new possibilities with their unique properties, so explore further to understand which chakra stone works best for you.

*Disclaimer: Any of the claims related to the healing benefits and uses of chakras mentioned in this blog article are not guaranteed or validated. All the information provided should in no way be used as a substitute or alternative for medical advice.*